bf rebrand

Imperial, Gangster's Survival Kit

In collaboration with the men's grooming products brand Imperial I designed a gift set titled, "The Gangster's Survival Kit". Inspired by the slicked back, over the top pomade do's never skipped upon by any American gangster, this kit offers the bare essentials to guarantee the keen to be mean gangster aesthetic.

Art Direction and Packaging Design

hf bucketfeet
hf bucketfeet

Headshot or Mugshot

Growing up I was always thoroughly enthralled with the tales my grandparents would tell me about knife fights, motorcycles and gambeling that filled their teen years. My grandmother would show me newspaper clippings of her brother who was a notorious trouble maker, typically the photos he would have a perfectly laid slicked look.

hf bucketfeet
hf bucketfeet

The Full Package

In this kit one will find all the necessities to guarantee a clean and dapper look, no matter your situation.

More work to be seen here.

Secret Walls
Damen Silos
Garfield Park