bf rebrand

Hyper Fisch x Bucketfeet

Working at a shoe company focused on artist-designed footwear only made it seem like a defined destiny for me to create my own pair, or three.

Illustration and Product Design

hf bucketfeet

Baskerville #4 low-top

I'm a graphic designer, so yeah, I love typography. Baskerville may or may not be my go to favorite of the font world (don't tell Centaur) so to me it seemed pretty obvious this is where I'd start for my frist Bucketfeet design.

Inspired by the textiles of traditional Mexican blankets, this pattern takes the Baskerville Regular #4 and creates a one-of-a-kind pattern through overlaid colors and negative space.

Made for Men Only.

hf bucketfeet
hf bucketfeet

Baskerville #4 mid-top

Because of the general success experienced with the original design executed in the low-top lace-up version the Baskerville #4 artwork was then reimagined in the form of a leather mid-top silhouette. This style has consistently been a top-seller since it's release in the FW15 season.

Made for both Women and Men.

hf bucketfeet
hf bucketfeet
hf bucketfeet

Beer Goggles

For the shoe Beer Goggles, I took my love for typography and vector art to create a design poking fun at those who feel self-defined by their habits and rituals. Associating different eye glass frames with varying beer types, this design falls in line with one of my favorite quotes.

"I drink to make other people more interesting." –Ernest Hemingway

Made for Men Only.

hf bucketfeet
hf bucketfeet
hf bucketfeet


Thank you for taking the time to check out this project and view my work. All credits listed below.

Photos: Bryan Allen Lamb and Brendan Ek, Bucketfeet

More work to be seen here.

Secret Walls
Damen Silos
Garfield Park